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Maintenance Test Flight Tool Kit (MTFTK)

The MTFTK is the all-in-one tool kit for H60 and S70  helicopter maintenance pros.


This comprehensive kit contains the tools needed to perform ALL required tasks for Maintenance Test Flights.


Includes top quality tools from premier manufacturers–many of which are not standard issue by the U. S. Army.

Maintenance Test Flight Tool Kit (MTFTK)

    • Over 30 specialty tool and testing devices.


    • Proprietary tools included only in this kit:


    1. Work light with blue beam function to identify aircraft oils.
    2. Specialty wrenches for adjusting/balancing main rotor track.
    3. Multi-function digital spring scale to handle 5 required measurements.
    4. Wiper pins needed for dry testing of windshield wipers.


    • Rugged, lockable, wheeled case with multi-tiered tray inserts for secure, easy access.


    • Dual-color laser-cut foam inserts to protect and organize tools.


    • Most tools include lifetime warranties.


    • Contact Capewell Sales for details and specifications.
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